Imane Taruf

Who are you ?

  • I'm Imane Taruf, a programmer currently residing near Paris, France. With a background in computer science, game programming, and an enriching internship at the renowned company Ubisoft, I’ve acquired a solid foundation in development working in cross-disciplinary teams for web, mobile, and game development projects.

    As a Gameplay Programmer Intern at Ubisoft, working on Assassin’s Creed Mirage, I further enhanced my development skills and gained valuable experience in the AI team. Indeed, I worked on AI behaviors, including navigation, decision making, and entity detection. Moreover, my tasks also involved other subjects, like 3C or UI, which taught me to be even more flexible according to the needs.

    This opportunity offered me a firsthand look at the stakes of a high-budget game, but also the chance to grow as a person working as a team.

What are your interests ?

  • I'm a big video game enthusiast, drawing my best memories and most fun moments from gaming across various genres. Growing up as a kid, I was immersed in Japanese video games, manga, and anime, and I can say that Japan has significantly influenced my career aspirations to this day.

    I often participate in game development marathons, where I develop prototypes with Unity and Unreal Engine, and under short deadlines. These are a perfect playground for experimentation and skills enhancement by assuming different roles from pre-production to deployment.

    I’m a curious woman who tries new things on her own. In parallel with my studies, back when I was a B.S. computer science and M.S game programming student, I’d buy courses to get started with languages like C#, C++, Python, or simulation tools for game development and robotics.

    Today, I'm aiming for roles in tech companies where I can further develop my skills and become an expert at programming.